Magnets and magnet systems
Permanent magnetic chucks with fine pole spacing for spark erosion
These magnetic chucks are constructed as the fine pole plates. To ensure a clean working area of the electrode, they are also equipped with a cleaning system. The dielectric fluid flows through the upper plate is introduced into the bores.
These holes in the top plate are connected via internal ducting and the dielectric liquid is filled through a single 1/8 Gas opening in the side of the chuck. The magnetic chucks are supplied with M4 Allen screws and a R1 / 8 "connection for Ø 8 mm hose.
The magnetic field is very low (approx. 6 mm) to prevent interference with the electrode.
Pole spacing: Steel 6 mm / brass 1,5 mm / steel 2 mm / brass 1,5 mm (good holding power for all kinds of pieces)
Holding power: max. 80 - 100 N/cm² (≙ 8 - 10 kg/cm²)
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The versions with * are supplied with removable levers. If necessary, the other versions can be supplied with removable levers.
The clamps used to hold the chuck are supplied separately and must be ordered expressly.