Magnets and magnet systems
Application, handling instructions and tolerances
Permanent flat pot magnets and bar magnets are usable for a variety of tasks. They serve as auxiliaries i. e. as in mounting, clamping, transporting, lifting, welding, cutting and separating. The unidirectional magnetic field of the magnets allows the concentrated use of the magnetic field on the desired clamping surface. Other locations which come into contact with the shielded magnet outside of the adhesive area will not be magnetized, thus avoiding unwanted side effects.
To maximize the adhesion, it is advisable to always keep the pole surfaces clean and to ensure that unnecessary dirt is removed from the surface of the workpieces.
The tables show the maximum adhesive forces. These values apply when the magnet systems are mounted vertically on ground workpieces of steel St37 / 2 with a thickness of approx. 20 mm.
Tolerances of permanent flat pots